Not to do any evil, To cultivate good, To purify one's own mind, This is the teaching of the Buddha.

Saturday, July 20, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Homage to the Sangha
Supatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho.
Ujupatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho.
Nayapatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho.
Samicipatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho.
Yadidam cattari purisayugani attha purisapuggala esa Bhagavato savakasangho.
Ahuneyyo pahuneyyo dakkhineyyo anjalikaraniyo anuttaram punnakkhettam lokassa ti.
"Ujupatipanno" - They follow the direct, Noble Eightfold Path.
"Nayapatipanno" - The Noble Order understands the First Noble Truth and is practicing to eradicate suffering
"Samicipatipanno" - The Orders spreads the message of Dhamma by sharing what the Buddha taught.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Buddhanussati Meditation
Buddhanussati Meditation
The Buddha is our teacher. The Buddha showed us the path to Nirvana. If you think about the Buddha, and meditate it is called Buddhanussati Meditation.
The Buddha destroyed all the ills that came in to the mind. He did not commit evil. Therefore he should be worshipped, and venerated. That is why the Buddha was named Arahant.
රහසත් පව් නොකොට
කෙළෙසරයනුත් දුරුකොට
නිසිවූයෙන් පුදට
අරහ යන නම කියති මුනිඳුට
(බුදුගුණ අලංකාරය)
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